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Thank you 2023/4

Thank you 2023/4

Katie Adamson-Benz15 May - 07:13
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Members come together to celebrate all their achievements over the 2023/24 season

What great Awards nights!

It was a delight to see so many happy folks (128 in all) on Friday 3rd May, enjoying themselves at a really good venue; Barton Manor who were really helpful to us. I must make a special mention too of Carrs;- the Garstang Jewellers, who did us a tremendous deal on our considerable number of new trophies. We bought new cups for our new teams and to give the Juniors their own smaller cups in addition to the keepsakes. Above all what a great season and what a delight our young players are.

On Sunday the 12th the Club held our 2024 Junior awards ceremony at the Flower Bowl Barton. The Club presented individual age group awards, U10 team certificates and attendance certificates. In particular the U10 side who made the NW regional finals down at Timperley;- having won the Cup for Lancashire, received especial mention. The Juniors enjoyed the ten-pin bowling, Curling on the ice and Crazy Golf and a Fish & Chip Supper.
Big thanks to Ian C and Katie A-B for organising the event and Donna & Jolie for their work on the night.

We hope you all have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you all back in August for pre-season!

Author: Charles Jackman

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